
Steve Pendery has earned a reputation for conservative fiscal policies and sound management, and is well known as a tireless fighter for Campbell County. He has balanced the county budget every year during his time in office while providing first-rate services to County residents. He has eliminated waste, consolidated departments, worked closely with Campbell County cities and governments across Northern Kentucky and made sure Campbell County got its fair share of state funding.

Steve is a life-long Campbell Countian. He grew up in Fort Thomas and graduated from Highlands High School, where he was a National Merit Scholar. Steve is a successful business owner whose Pendery Insurance and Risk Management Group has long been a staple of Campbell County.

Steve lives in Fort Thomas with his wife, Dana. Son Chase is a US Air Force pilot. Daughter Allie is studying to be a doctor at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine. The family belongs to Christ Church, UCC, in Fort Thomas.


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